I know this is probably a thought which scares most musicians and in an ideal world, a musician could be left to be just that, a musician!
However, nowadays you need to get on with doing things yourself if anything is ever to happen.
I believe if you understand the business elements of running a band, you’ll certainly look at everything in a much different and hopefully more insightful light.
Let’s examine the following as we compare some business elements as they relate to a band:
- Product Research and Development: Songwriting
- Product Creation: Recording/CD pressing
- Product Offered for Sale: CDs, mp3s, etc
- Product Showcase/Demonstration: Live performance, touring
- Product Advertising: Various airplay
Let’s not forget about running the business/band:
- Management
- Bookings
- Promotion and PR
- Branding
- Various Marketing
Most small businesses fail because they don’t know how to market and promote themselves, do you see a pattern forming here with bands too?
“But Chris, I’m a musician, not a business person!” I hear you say.
My point here is that you don’t need to be a business person, but I’m sure if start to understand some business concepts, it could really benefit the way you promote your band.
Over my next few posts, I’m going to share some ideas which I’ve learnt from online marketing which I think can help any band or musician utilise the internet to better promote themselves.
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You write very well.