Since Youtube is the third most visited site in the world according to Alexa, it makes sense that you get a presence for your band on there asap!
Aside from music videos, you can use Youtube for video messages to your fans, posting live performance clips, showcasing any news articles or interviews you may do or have, basically anything that you can communicate with video.
People like to view the personalities of the people behind the band these days so show them!
What camera should you use?
The cheapest and easiest option would be to use the video option on a standard digital camera. Download your video off your camera through USB and then upload to Youtube and viola, you’re done.
If you feel the need, you can always upgrade to a camcorder later which is certainly handy if you wish to film live performances.
What about editing software?
If you need to edit your video, I’d recommend using Windows Movie Maker or Apple iMovie. They’re free and more than capable of performing the basic editing required, you can even add titles and captions to your videos.
Add your url to all videos
Yes you can place your url in the video description box but it doesn’t quite grab the attention of the viewer as when its watermarked and displayed the whole time throughout the video.
It will help drive interested people back to your website which you should then encourage to sign up to your mailing list so you can stay in touch!
Using Youtube annotations
If you’re too lazy to learn how to use editing software for adding text and titles, Youtube has a feature called annotations where you can overlay text onto your Youtube videos! Handy for adding your band url and extra comments that you wish to convey.
How to make a dirt cheap music video
Find some cool video footage of something and add your song as the ‘soundtrack’ to that footage, skateboarding, surfing, motor racing, whatever!
People searching for videos on surfing, for example, will find your video, if they like the song they’ll see your url and visit your site. Add them to your mailing list, show them what a great band you are and encourage them to buy your music!
Youtube is still a beauty. As Myspace gives way to Facebook and the blogging craze peaks out, youtube still dominates the video market like it always has and is fundamental. Everyone I know including myself is way too precious about video!